Vol. 2 (2021): (De)coloniality and religious practices: liberating hope; edited by Valburga Schmiedt Streck, Júlio Cézar Adam and Cláudio Carvalhaes

					View Vol. 2 (2021): (De)coloniality and religious practices: liberating hope; edited by Valburga Schmiedt Streck, Júlio Cézar Adam and Cláudio Carvalhaes

(De)coloniality and religious practices: liberating hope

Proceedings of the IAPT Brazil conference 2019

 This book bears the fruits of the IAPT Conference that happened in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil in 2019. A first time gathering in Latin America, the conference called on the theme of decoloniality, challenging the ways in which Christianity’s thinking and doing are both marked by coloniality but also by many forms of liberation. This book is a collection of the talks given in that conference covering the theoretical aspects of decoloniality as well as three main themes that ran through the event: 1) Decolonizing theological concepts and practices: reflection on theories, methods and approaches of decoloniality, investigating relations with the economy, genders and sexualities, forms of subjectivities and knowledges as well as the earth itself; 2) Religious Practices, cultures and spirituality: exploration of the roles of practical theologies in diverse global contexts as well as diverse practices and religious pluralism; 3) Liberating Hope: practical theology in action: examination of the counter-cultural theology in churches located on different contexts and  borders, interreligious transformations, beauty and the body as it relates to the image of God. 


Cover painting: Exodus by Flávio Scholles. Acessible in: www.fscholles.net


Published: 2021-07-05

